Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is pain on the outside of the elbow joint. It can be described as a sharp or burning sensation that can result in pain into the wrist and hand.
Muscles attach to bone via a tendon. When muscles get progressively overloaded they put pressure on the tendon, which can cause straining and tearing. This can create pain and inflammation in the localised area and down the forearm and into the hand.
Treatment for tennis elbow is aimed at the specific underlying cause and contributing factors.
Som of the common causes include:
- repetitive strain (manual labor work)
- Computer/desk work
- Racket sports
- Resistance training
Contributing factors to tennis elbow:
- previous shoulder and/or wrist injuries
- Posture
- Arthritis
- Hypermobility of joints
Osteopathy treatment options:
- soft tissue (hand, forearm, shoulder, neck and back)
- dry needling
- rocktape
- Articulation of the wrist, hand, elbow and shoulder
False insertion braces and changes to desk/mouse set up can be of great benefit. Your osteopath will prescribe stretches and strengthening exercise to help reduce your pain long term.
If you suffer from tennis elbow, please feel free to give us a call on 0422 639 369 or book an appointment online.