Prevention is better than cure - Hamstring strain

Posted By Anna Pattison  
07:00 AM

Are you ready for footy season?

With the season kicking off in less than 3 months, now is the time to address any niggles that may have occurred last season. 

Injuries like; hamstring strain, calf strain, ankle sprain, quadricep strain and groin injuries have high re-injury rates. 

  • hamstring strain = 33%
  • Groin strain = 22%
  • Quadricep strain = 20%
  • Calf strain = 18%
  • Ankle sprain = 15% (from my experience, this is much higher)

Osteopaths not only look at the injury itself, but surrounding joints and muscles too. 

For example,when treating a hamstring it's also important to consider:

  • low back tension 
  • hip flexor and quadricep tension 
  • ankle mobility
  • glute strength 
  • core strength
  • thoracic spine rotation 

All of these factors can contribute to the hamstring becoming tight. 

Common rehab advice I give for a hamstring strain:

  • rest 
  • foam roll glutes, calves and quads 
  • compression for hamstring 
  • walking in the ocean 
  • glute and core activation exercises 
  • lumbar (low back) spine mobility 
  • isometric hamstring contraction, concentric hamstring contraction, eccentric hamstring contraction 

Please seek advice from an osteopath before commencing a rehabilitation program, to ensure the advice is right for you. 

Book online or call 0422 639 369