Why is glute strength so important?

Posted By Anna Pattison  
15:33 PM

Why is glute strength so important??

Your pelvis is a very important structure in the body, the best friends of the pelvis are the core and glute muscles. Together these muscles (along with others), help support the stability and movement of the pelvis. It can help improve posture and even headaches, while also reducing pressure into the feet, contributing to plantar fascia. 

Here are some common injuries that can benefit from increased glute strength:

  • Low back pain 
  • Pelvic pain 
  • Anterior hip pain
  • knee pain 
  • Foot/ankle pain 
  • Plantar fascitis 
  • Achilles tendinopathy 
  • Hamstring tendinopathy 
  • Shin splints
  • Posture
  • Headaches

Just to name a few...... so you can see why glutes are so important. 

Glutes are the primary mover muscle in squats. Squats are considered an essential movement to perform activities of daily living. Without even realising, you are performing squats frequently throughout the day. Getting out of bed, getting off the toilet, getting out of a chair, the car etc. So if there is dysfunction with the glutes when performing a squat, those movements can become problematic when it comes to injury management. 

Weak/inactive glutes can present in many different settings:

  • difficulty getting out of a chair
  • pain picking things up from the ground 
  • going up and down stairs
  • getting out of the car 
  • walking/running 
  • performing sports
  • going to the gym 
  • getting comfortable sleeping (side sleeper mainly)

So please visit our instagram (southern_osteopathy) to learn how to activate your glutes. 

You can also call or book online for an appointment to address your personal underlying cause of pain or dysfunction. 

Please note, everyone is unique and your underlying cause of glute weakness is personal to you, please seek advice before undergoing a rehabilitation program.